I believe something BIG
is happening in our nation.

Cuba: Pastor
Ricardo Pereira reports meetings where God is pouring out His powerful presence
every week at his Methodist church.[2] “A revival is taking place
in the country of Cuba,” said one ministry partner of Pereira. “We are seeing
spiritual fruit born from a dry and thirsty land. It is only the hand of God
who can cause such a response.”[3]
China: The
unofficial estimate is that more than 130 million people have come to know
Christ in the last few decades.[4] Chinese evangelist Duan
Huilai said, “Everywhere I go, I meet people who are hungry for God and He is
showing up.”[5]
Africa: Entire
mosques are coming to faith in Jesus Christ. Many of these conversions are
happening as the result of seeing dreams and visions of Jesus.[6]
Guatemala: The
city of Almolonga has seen a conversion of roughly 90% of its inhabitants to
Christianity. Once a stronghold of alcoholism, the city has had to shut down
most of the bars because no one wants to frequent them anymore. Instead, many
of the bars are now used for church gatherings.[7]
God is showing up, and
it is resulting in an explosion of conversions to Christ. However, of those
82,000 worldwide daily conversions, only 6,000 are in the United States and
Western Europe combined.[8] “Explosion of conversions”
isn’t exactly the phrase we would use to describe the current spiritual climate
of our nation; on the contrary, it seems like we are experiencing the exact
opposite. For example, research recently done by LifeWay Christian Resources
revealed that 65% of young adults rarely or never attend church.[9] Another study discovered
that 87% of young adults consider Christians to be “judgmental,” 85% call
Christians “hypocrites,” and 72% say the Christian faith is “out of touch with
Because of our spiritual
condition relative to the rest of the world, many are wondering if the American
church is teetering on the brink of irrelevancy. But, if the church historians
are right, the Western church is not going away, and it is not dying. It is
just re-forming. Many believe that God
is moving behind the scenes, preparing us to receive what the rest of the world
is already experiencing, and the result will be nothing less than a full-scale
I’m encouraged by this
idea. How exciting to think that God is up to something big, and that the tidal
wave of spiritual renewal that is engulfing the rest of the world is headed to
the shores of America.
[1] James C. Denison, Ph.D., God Is Not A Hobby: The Fifth Great
Awakening and the Future of America (Dallas: Denison Forum on Truth and
Culture, 2012), 5.
[2] “The Methodist Movement is Alive in
Cuba,” www.worldmethodist.org/cubastory.htm.
[3] Meredith Hodge, “Cuba Sees Spark of
Revival as 10,000 Gather in Worship,” June 29, 2012, www.charismanews.com/world/33698-cuba-sees-spark-of-revival-as-10000-gather-in-worship.
[4] David W. Virtue, “Greatest Christian
Revival in Church History Happening in China,” September 25, 2009, www.virtueonline.org/portal/modules/news/article.php?storyid=9089#.UZQWeZU1bFI.
[5] George Thomas, “Jesus in the Rice
Fields: China’s Countryside Revival,” May 4, 2012, www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2011/May/Growth-Explosion-Chinas-Christianity-Takes-Root-/.
[6] Michael Vu, “Entire Mosques Coming to
Faith in Jesus in Sub-Sahara Africa,” March 29, 2012, blog.godreports.com/2012/03/entire-mosques-coming-to-faith-in-jesus-in-sub-sahara-africa/.
[7] Carol Saia, “God Ends Idol’s 700-Year
Reign in Almolonga, Guatemala,” www.iftpartners.com/index.php/fire-quest/2-uncategorised/41-god-ends-idol-s-700-year-reign-in-almolonga-guatemala.
[8] Denison, 5.
[9] Good News Christian Florida,
“Millennial’s Forthcoming About Faith,” 2012, goodnewsfl.org/christian-news/millennials_forthcoming_about_faith/.
[10] David Kinneman and Gabe Lyons, UnChristian: What a New Generation Really
Thinks About Christianity…And Why It Matters (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker
Books, 2007).
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